Welcome to the Texas Prison Museum
The Texas Prison Museum offers an intriguing glimpse into the lives of the state's imprisoned citizens. The museum features numerous exhibits detailing the history of the Texas prison system, featuring a look inside the operations behind the fences and walls.
​Adults $8;
Seniors 60+ / Active or Retired Military / First
Responders / TDCJ Employees/
SHSU Students - $6;
Ages 6 / 17 - $7;
Group Rates - $5.00;
5 years and under - No Charge.​​
Contact Information:
491 Hwy 75 N
Huntsville, TX 77320​​​​​​
Admission Adjustments
January 1, 2025:

Texas Prison Museum Employee
Lewis Riley Tilley
The Community Builder Award
Forrest Lodge No. 19, A.F. & A.M.
Huntsville, Texas
in recognition and appreciation of his year in and year out quiet and without fanfare show of devotion to his community and its people without the expectation of recognition. The Community Builder Award was designed by the Grand Lodge of Texas to enable local Masonic Lodges to recognize outstanding non-Masons who have distinguished themselves through their service to their community, government, church or synagogue or to humanity.
The award reads as follows:
Community Builder Award presented to Lewis Riley Tilley In recognition of His Distinguished Service and Personal Contributions to the Community of Huntsville, Texas. Presented by Forrest Lodge No. 19, A.F. & A.M. Huntsville, Texas.
Given this 11th day of November, A.D. 2024, A.L. 6024.​​